Test a subset of the identified covert channels to determine the channels that are exploitable.
Test a subset of the identified covert channels to determine the channels that are exploitable.
Reduce the maximum bandwidth for identified covert [Selection (one or more): storage; timing] channels to [Assignment: organization-defined values].
Measure the bandwidth of [Assignment: organization-defined subset of identified covert channels] in the operational environment of the system.
Partition the system into [Assignment: organization-defined system components] residing in separate [Selection: physical; logical] domains or environments based on [Assignment: organization-defined circumstances for physical or logical separation of components].
Partition privileged functions into separate physical domains.
[Withdrawn: Incorporated into SC-7.]
For [Assignment: organization-defined system components], load and execute: a. The operating environment from hardware-enforced, read-only media; and b. The following applications from hardware-enforced, read-only media: [Assignment: organization-defined applications].
Employ [Assignment: organization-defined system components] with no writeable storage that is persistent across component restart or power on/off.
Protect the integrity of information prior to storage on read-only media and control the media after such information has been recorded onto the media.
[Withdrawn: Incorporated into SC-7(18).]