Access Control (AC)

(a) Allow the use of [Assignment: organization-defined authentication factors] that are different from the primary authentication factors after the number of organization-defined consecutive invalid logon attempts have been exceeded; and (b) Enforce a limit of [Assignment: organization-defined number] consecutive invalid logon attempts through use of the alternative factors by a user during a [Assignment: organization-defined time period].


Access Control (AC)

a. Display [Assignment: organization-defined system use notification message or banner] to users before granting access to the system that provides privacy and security notices consistent with applicable laws, executive orders, directives, regulations, policies, standards, and guidelines and state that: 1. Users are accessing a U.S. Government system; 2. System usage may be monitored, recorded, and subject to audit; 3. Unauthorized use of the system is prohibited and subject to criminal and civil penalties; and 4. Use of the system indicates consent to monitoring and recording; b. Retain the notification message or banner on the screen until users acknowledge the usage conditions and take explicit actions to log on to or further access the system; and c. For publicly accessible systems: 1. Display system use information [Assignment: organization-defined conditions], before granting further access to the publicly accessible system; 2. Display references, if any, to monitoring, recording, or auditing that are consistent with privacy accommodations for such systems that generally prohibit those activities; and 3. Include a description of the authorized uses of the system.


Access Control (AC)

Notify the user, upon successful logon to the system, of the date and time of the last logon.


Access Control (AC)

Notify the user, upon successful logon, of the number of unsuccessful logon attempts since the last successful logon.


Access Control (AC)

Notify the user, upon successful logon, of the number of [Selection: successful logons; unsuccessful logon attempts; both] during [Assignment: organization-defined time period].


Access Control (AC)

Notify the user, upon successful logon, of changes to [Assignment: organization-defined security-related characteristics or parameters of the user’s account] during [Assignment: organization-defined time period].


Access Control (AC)

Notify the user, upon successful logon, of the following additional information: [Assignment: organization-defined additional information].


Access Control (AC)

Limit the number of concurrent sessions for each [Assignment: organization-defined account and/or account type] to [Assignment: organization-defined number].


Access Control (AC)

Level N/A

a. Prevent further access to the system by [Selection (one or more): initiating a device lock after [Assignment: organization-defined time period] of inactivity; requiring the user to initiate a device lock before leaving the system unattended]; and b. Retain the device lock until the user reestablishes access using established identification and authentication procedures.


Access Control (AC)

Conceal, via the device lock, information previously visible on the display with a publicly viewable image.
