Implement security functions as largely independent modules that maximize internal cohesiveness within modules and minimize coupling between modules.
Implement security functions as largely independent modules that maximize internal cohesiveness within modules and minimize coupling between modules.
Implement security functions as a layered structure minimizing interactions between layers of the design and avoiding any dependence by lower layers on the functionality or correctness of higher layers.
Prevent unauthorized and unintended information transfer via shared system resources.
[Withdrawn: Incorporated into SC-12(3).]
Prevent unauthorized information transfer via shared resources in accordance with [Assignment: organization-defined procedures] when system processing explicitly switches between different information classification levels or security categories.
a. [Selection: Protect against; Limit] the effects of the following types of denial-of-service events: [Assignment: organization-defined types of denial-of-service events]; and b. Employ the following controls to achieve the denial-of-service objective: [Assignment: organization-defined controls by type of denial-of-service event].
Restrict the ability of individuals to launch the following denial-of-service attacks against other systems: [Assignment: organization-defined denial-of-service attacks].
Manage capacity, bandwidth, or other redundancy to limit the effects of information flooding denial-of-service attacks.
(a) Employ the following monitoring tools to detect indicators of denial-of-service attacks against, or launched from, the system: [Assignment: organization-defined monitoring tools]; and (b) Monitor the following system resources to determine if sufficient resources exist to prevent effective denial-of-service attacks: [Assignment: organization-defined system resources].
Protect the availability of resources by allocating [Assignment: organization-defined resources] by [Selection (one or more): priority; quota; [Assignment: organization-defined controls]].