Establish and maintain the description of a defined financial resource management process.
Establish and maintain the description of a defined financial resource management process.
Collect financial resource management work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the process to support future use and improvement of the organization’s processes and process assets.
The resource needs to staff the activities and tasks of the organization’s resilience program and plan are identified and satisfied.
The staffing and skill needs relative to the operational resilience management system are established.
The current skill set for operational resilience management is inventoried and gaps in necessary skills are identified.
Gaps in skills necessary to meet operational resilience management needs are addressed.
The acquisition of staff to meet operational needs is performed with consideration of the organization’s resilience objectives.
Candidate staff are evaluated for suitability against position requirements and risks.
Employment agreements appropriate for the position and role are developed and executed.
The performance of staff to support the organization’s resilience program is managed.