Mechanisms exist to implement security safeguards to protect system memory from unauthorized code execution.
Mechanisms exist to implement security safeguards to protect system memory from unauthorized code execution.
Mechanisms exist to utilize honeypots that are specifically designed to be the target of malicious attacks for the purpose of detecting, deflecting and analyzing such attacks.
Mechanisms exist to utilize honeyclients that proactively seek to identify malicious websites and/or web-based malicious code.
Mechanisms exist to utilize a diverse set of technologies for system components to reduce the impact of technical vulnerabilities from the same Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
Mechanisms exist to utilize virtualization techniques to support the employment of a diversity of operating systems and applications.
Mechanisms exist to utilize concealment and misdirection techniques for systems to confuse and mislead adversaries.
Automated mechanisms exist to introduce randomness into organizational operations and assets.
Automated mechanisms exist to change the location of processing and/or storage at random time intervals.
Mechanisms exist to distribute processing and storage across multiple physical locations.
Mechanisms exist to utilize non-modifiable executable programs that load and execute the operating environment and applications from hardware-enforced, read-only media.