Mechanisms exist to protect and control digital and non-digital media during transport outside of controlled areas using appropriate security measures.
Mechanisms exist to protect and control digital and non-digital media during transport outside of controlled areas using appropriate security measures.
Mechanisms exist to identify custodians throughout the transport of digital or non-digital media.
Cryptographic mechanisms exist to protect the confidentiality and integrity of information stored on digital media during transport outside of controlled areas.
Mechanisms exist to securely dispose of media when it is no longer required, using formal procedures.
Mechanisms exist to sanitize system media with the strength and integrity commensurate with the classification or sensitivity of the information prior to disposal, release out of organizational control or release for reuse.
Mechanisms exist to supervise, track, document and verify system media sanitization and disposal actions.
Mechanisms exist to test sanitization equipment and procedures to verify that the intended result is achieved.
Mechanisms exist to facilitate the sanitization of Personal Data (PD).
Mechanisms exist to apply nondestructive sanitization techniques to portable storage devices prior to first use.
Mechanisms exist to enforce dual authorization for the destruction, disposal or sanitization of digital media that contains sensitive / regulated data.