Mechanisms exist to restrict the use of types of digital media on systems or system components.
Mechanisms exist to restrict the use of types of digital media on systems or system components.
Mechanisms exist to restrict the use and distribution of sensitive / regulated data.
Mechanisms exist to prohibit the use of portable storage devices in organizational information systems when such devices have no identifiable owner.
Mechanisms exist to reclassify data, including associated systems, applications and services, commensurate with the security category and/or classification level of the information.
Mechanisms exist to restrict removable media in accordance with data handling and acceptable usage parameters.
Mechanisms exist to govern how external parties, systems and services are used to securely store, process and transmit data.
Mechanisms exist to prohibit external parties, systems and services from storing, processing and transmitting data unless authorized individuals first: â–ª Verifying the implementation of required security controls; or â–ª Retaining a processing agreement with the entity hosting the external systems or service.
Mechanisms exist to restrict or prohibit the use of portable storage devices by users on external systems.
Mechanisms exist to ensure that the requirements for the protection of sensitive information processed, stored or transmitted on external systems, are implemented in accordance with applicable statutory, regulatory and contractual obligations.
Mechanisms exist to restrict the use of non-organizationally owned information systems, system components or devices to process, store or transmit organizational information.